Saturday, May 18, 2013


Top seven Features of JAVA are as follows:-
        1) SIMPLE:-
JAVA is very simple language. JAVA does not contain redundant and unreliable source code. JAVA does not use pointers, preprocessor header files, goto statement, multiple inheritance and operator overloading. So the JAVA is easiest version of C++.

        2) OBJECT-ORIENTED:-
JAVA is truly Object-Oriented programming language. Almost everything in JAVA is an Object. All source code, data and variables are in classes and object. JAVA comes with set of classes which are arranged in packages that can be used by inheritance.

JAVA combines both the approaches Compiled and Interpreted. Hence JAVA is called two-stage system. In first stage, JAVA compiler converts source code into bytecode. But bytecodes are not machine instruction. Hence in second stage, JAVA interpreter converts those bytecode into machine instruction which can be easily executed by system.

JAVA Program can be easily moved from one system to another, anywhere, anytime. Changes and upgrades in system configuration do not force any changes in JAVA program. Size of primitive data types is platform independent in JAVA.

         5) ROBUST AND SECURE:-
JAVA is completely Robust Language. It has many safeguards that checks reliability of code. It strictly check data type in compile and run time.
JAVA is very secure language. It checks all the memory access as well as confirm that no virus is communicated with the applet and application over the internet.

         6) MULTITHREADED:-
Multithreading means handling multiple tasks at a time. JAVA has this excellent feature that saves user time. It means user does not need to close previous task to start next task. E.g. we can listen a song by playing the game at the same time.

         7) INTERACTIVE:-
JAVA has very good interactive features. Interaction between user and system is very smooth in JAVA. JAVA provides very great Graphical User Interface (GUI) that widely helps the user.


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