Array is the set of similar data type. In array first elemnt
is stored at 0th location while last elemnt is stored at (n-1)th
location. Elements within array are accessed by its index or location. There
are two types of array:-
1) One-Dimensional
This type of array can be defined
as two ways:
1) Type var_name[]
= new type[size];
This array will contains the size number of element. Size
can be any whole number.
int x[] = new int[5];
In above type, array will contain 5
integer values or elements.
char c[] = new char[10];
In this type, array will have 10
character elements.
2) Type var_name[] = {list
of elements};
int x[] = {1,5,6,8,7};
In above type, array has above
listed 5 integer values or elements.
char s[] = {‘a’, ’d’, ’q’, ’r’};
In above type, array has above
listed 4 charater values or elements.
2) Multi-Dimensional
This type of array can also be
defined as two types:-
1) Type var_name[][]
= new type[size][size];
int x[][] = new int[5][4];
In above type, it will allocate 5 by
4 array of integer in two dimensions.
char c[][] = new char[10][7];
In above type, it will allocate 10 by
7 array of character in two dimensions.
2) Type var_name[][] = {{list of elements},{list
of elements},….,{list of elemnts}};
int x[][] = {{1,5,6,8,7},{15,7,98,35,354,58}};
In above type, it will allocate 5 by
6 array of above listed integers in two dimensions.
char s[][] = {{‘a’, ’d’, ’q’, ’r’},{‘c’,’f’,’j’},{‘u’}};
In above type, it will allocate 4 by
3 by 1 array of above listed characters in three dimensions.
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