class Modulus { // start of class Modulus.
public static void main(String args[]) { // start of main() method.
int a=15, b=4, c; // Initializing and declaring variables.
c=a%b; // finding mod of a number a and storing it in variable c.
System.out.println("Result is "+c); // printing result.
} // end of main() method.
} // end class modulus .
Result is 3
Mod (%) of a number shows the remainder obtained by dividing another number to that number. You can check by assigning different value to the variable b.
Instead of using
c = a % b;
c = a % b;
System.out.println("Multiplication is : "+c);
you can use following single line of code
System.out.println("Multiplication is : "+(a%b));
If you want to use above single line then you don't have to declare the third variable i.e. c.
you can use following single line of code
System.out.println("Multiplication is : "+(a%b));
If you want to use above single line then you don't have to declare the third variable i.e. c.
In another case you can also use
c = a%5; or c = a % any_number;
so that you don't have to initialize and assign variable b.
c = a%5; or c = a % any_number;
so that you don't have to initialize and assign variable b.
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