class Add { // start of class Add.
void sum(int x, int y) { // defining method sum() and passing parameter through it.
x+=y; // Adding variable x and y, and storing result in variable x.
System.out.println("\nAddition is " +x); // printing result.
} // end of method sum().
} // end of class Add.
class Sub { // start of class Sub.
void subt(int x, int y) { // defining method subt() and passing parameter through it.
x-=y; // Subtracting variable y through x, and storing result in variable x.
System.out.println("Subtraction is " +x); // printing result.
} // end of method subt().
} // end of class Subt.
class Mul { // start of class Mul.
void mult(int x, int y) { // defining method mult() and passing parameter through it.
x*=y; // Multiplying variable x and y, and storing result in variable x.
System.out.println("Multiplication is " +x); // printing result.
} // end of method mult().
} // end of class Mul.
class Div { // start of class Div.
void divi(int x, int y) { // defining method divi() and passing parameter through it.
x/=y; // Dividing variable x by y, and storing result in variable x.
System.out.println("Division is " +x); // printing result.
} // end of method divi().
} // end of class Div.
class Mod { // start of class Mod.
void modu(int x, int y) { // defining method modu() and passing parameter through it.
x%=y; // finding modulus of variable x, and storing result in variable x.
System.out.println("Modulus is " +x); // printing result.
} // end of method modu().
} // end of class Mod.
class Arithmatic_Operators { // start of main class Arithmatic_Operators.
public static void main(String args[]) { // defining main() method.
int x=13, y=3; // initializing variable x and y.
Add a = new Add(); // creating object to the class Add.
Sub s = new Sub(); // creating object to the class Sub.
Mul m = new Mul(); // creating object to the class Mul.
Div d = new Div(); // creating object to the class Div.
Mod mo = new Mod(); // creating object to the class Mod.
a.sum(x,y); // Accessing method of class Add using dot (.) operator.
s.subt(x,y); // Accessing method of class Sub using dot (.) operator.
m.mult(x,y); // Accessing method of class Mul using dot (.) operator.
d.divi(x,y); // Accessing method of class Div using dot (.) operator.
mo.modu(x,y); // Accessing method of class Mod using dot (.) operator.
} // end of main() method.
} // end of class Arithmatic_Operators.
Addition is 16
Subtraction is 10
Multiplication is 39
Division is 4
Modulus is 1
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This program clear the "class within class" concept. This program also shows the use of following operator :-
1) += (Addition Assignment)
2) -= (Subtraction Assignment)
3) *= (Multiplication Assignment)
4) /= (Division Assignment)
5) %= (Modulus Assignment)
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